Hi, friends!
I realize that many of you are high-tailing it out of town over the next day or so for Thanksgiving, and I just want to say, I'm so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you.
I get that these leads I put in my newsletter every day may possibly be helpful for you and your clients (and I'm SO glad about that!!!) but the reality is - having you receive those leads, share them with your colleagues, and respond to my story needs, has made my job incredibly easier and more seamless. They help ME more than I can say.
We're at a time in the year where work and assignments come through fast and furious (and I'm grateful for that too! don't get me wrong!) and knowing that i can throw any curve ball at the recipients of this newsletter and somehow everything still comes together, it's just it's invaluable.
I can't even begin to say how much easier it's made for me to do my job, but how much closer I feel to so many people now that we have this connection every day in each others' inboxes.
Not sending any story leads today (though if you have any Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals feel free to keep sending them, because...well...that's where I am for the next few days) but will share some links to things that went live since yesterday....
Clean Plates
6 New & Seasonal Healthy Products at Trader Joe’s (and How to Use Them)
Walmart Started Black Friday Early! Get DNA Kits for $60, Chromebooks for $130, and Doorbuster TV Deals (updated as of this afternoon, will be updated again tomorrow!)
The 18 Best Black Friday Mattress Deals in 2021
The Best Hanukkah Gifts For Celebrating The Festival Of Lights
As always, if you or your client are included in any of these stories, super appreciate any and all social shares!
Have an amazing Thanksgiving -- and happy Hanukkah to anyone celebrating this weekend.
I'll be doing a bunch of cooking on Instagram the next few days (in between BF/CM deal scouring!), and I look forward to seeing what you are all making and eating as well!
I appreciate YOU so much, Aly! Have a great Thanksgiving!!