Aly's Wednesday Newsletter: Recipe content, furry friends, and new stories in the works
And a special subscription offer in honor of Best Friends Day!
Good morning!
Er, actually it’s afternoon now.
I started to write this email earlier today, but then I had jump on a story, and then it was time to log into a Zoom event, and before I knew it, it was start-thinking-about-lunch time.
As is probably pretty obvious by the list of newly published stories I post here each day, there's a lot I work on daily that never makes it to my section of story leads or open opportunities.
This includes everything from fast turnaround food news to recipe content I write daily. Simply because it's either turned around really quickly or doesn't necessitate sources or product pitches.
I mention this because over the next few days, I have a pretty big batch of long form recipe assignments to which I'm devoting most of my work energy. The open story leads will still be here, of course (new assignments come every day!), but until I come up for air later this week, those will be my main focus. (And honestly, I'm excited, because it's some fun content and I'm excited to share it when it is done!)
Another focus this week that’s rather fun? Theo! My neighbor is out of town this week and her little guy is hanging with me until she comes home. Is he the most precious or what? Anyone who has virtual consulting or zooms booked with me this week may just end up with a fun and furry guest appearance.
Special Best Friends Day Subscription Offer!
In honor of Best Friends Day, I’m doing a special 50% off subscription deal for one day only! Get 50% off any annual subscription purchased today. That means if you and your friend both subscribe, it is like getting two for the price of one. Happy Best Friends Day!
My signature cocktail release!
Speaking of friendship!
I mentioned last week, I am working on a very intimate party to launch my very first signature cocktail. It'll be at a location in NYC on 6/16 in the early evening and I was able to reserve just a few spots on my guest list for readers of this newsletter. So if you will be in town then and are interested in coming, please drop me a note! This newsletter has become a sort of community, and I really see us all as friends from near and far. I see that all the time in the Zooms we do and the email feedback I get. It really means so much to me, and this is my small way of saying thank you.
Be forewarned: This is a small, intimate party mostly made up of my close friends so I'll only be able to extend an invite to a few people!
Newly published or freshly updated stories
Forbes: Perfect Cocktails For Toasting To Dad This Father’s Day
Clean Plates: The 8 Best Trader Joe’s Breakfast Items, According to Dietitians
Clean Plates: The Sunscreens You Should Avoid, According to Dermatologists (and What to Look for Instead)
The Kitchn: Fluffernutter Brownies Are the Treat That Sweet Childhood Dreams Are Made Of
The Kitchn: I Just Found Out That the Tortilla Press Is a Brilliant Time-Saving Hack When Making Pies
RetailMeNot: The Best Father’s Day Sales and Deals to Shop Now
TODAY: Get a sun-kissed glow without leaving the house — 27 self-tanners that'll do the trick
If you or your client are featured in any of these stories, I super appreciate any social media shares tagging @alywalansky and the outlet.
Here's what I'm working on:
Be sure to read the below list carefully. Many are stories I posted about yesterday, but some of yesterday's stories are no longer listed and a few new ones have been added since yesterday. This (below) is everything that is still a currently open opportunity as of today.
Clean Plates
A new one for this outlet! I’m working on a story on Real Food Vitamins vs. Synthetic Vitamins: How to Select the Vitamins Your Body Can Actually Absorb. Would love to do some interviews with experts (dietitians/MDs probably, but open to other experts with legitimate and substantial credentials). I’m looking for expert input on what real food vitamins actually are, how they differ from synthetic vitamins, what makes them better, and how you can suss out real food vitamins vs. their synthetic counterparts. (Note: I can only take unaffiliated experts for this one - i.e. if you work with or for a vitamin brand, I can’t take commentary from your expert about a brand, and I’m actually not interested in being pitched ANY specific product or brand for this one, only expert commentary.)
National Sushi Day is coming up, and I am working on a post on best practices on making sushi at home. These can be products and tools you can order, and tips for how to make this process easier and faster (and fun!) - while also, obviously, delish. Please send your pitches and sushi chef commentary my way!
Fourth of July Store Hours + Stores Open Fourth of July (similar to the Easter and Memorial Day store hours roundup I did for this same outlet). This is for major retailers, look at my versions for other holidays for an idea of what I'm looking for.
I’m done with dads and grads, but I’m now putting out feelers for restaurant chains doing 4th of July freebies/deals/discounts. If you have anything that may be a fit, please send me info on the deal (what you get, when you get it, how you claim it), asap. Thanks :)
Virtual consulting sessions...
I've been popping into a lot of PR team virtual meetings and making myself available to answer all sorts of questions about pitching, events, and trips from a media perspective. If you are interested in setting anything up for your own team in the coming months, please email me and we'll get something on the books! This is available for entire agencies or smaller group lunch and learn type concepts. If you are a freelance publicist and want to join in with a few other freelance publicist friends and set something up, we can do that as well!
Are you confused about affiliate marketing?
If you are having trouble learning how to navigate issues of affiliate marketing (trust me, we've all been there!), you may want to try out my friend Sarah Karger, a publicist, and former editor Dana Baardsen (and all-around fab girl!)'s Ultimate Masterclass and Introduction to Affiliate Marketing for Publicists. It's a brilliant course and it'll answer all your questions (including some you didn't know you had!)
Download the Substack App!
Good news! This newsletter is now available via app. That means you can keep up with everything you are reading from your phone. Download the app for iPhone and iPad here. For Android users, sign up for the waiting list here.