We are halfway to the weekend and that's a reason to rejoice.
Going to keep this brief today because it's a pretty busy day, but here's what I'm working on right now:
Eat This, Not That
I'm working on a TON of stories - and I need infectious disease experts to weigh in on all of them. They are (and for all of these, i hope to quote these people substantially so a list of phrases ain't gonna cut it - feel free to forward this to doctor friends!)
I’m an Infectious Disease Expert and Here’s How to Not Catch Delta (need 5 ways, one is obv the vaccine)
I’m an Infectious Disease Expert and Warn You Don’t Go Here Even if It’s Open (need 5 or more places)
I’m an Infectious Disease Expert and Here’s a Sure Sign You’ve Had Delta (need 5 or more symptoms/proofs)
I’m an Infectious Disease Expert and Here’s How Delta Really Spreads
I’m an Infectious Disease Expert and Would Not Go Here Right Now
I’m an Infectious Disease Expert and Here’s How to Escape COVID (need 5 or more strategies, one is obv the vaccine)
Please email me at alywalansky@gmail.com if you have anyone who can weigh in on any/all of these.
Important FYI
I've been getting OODLES of responses to these newsletters. That's great and super appreciated! But if you are responding to a story lead, please start a new email subject thread rather than just hitting reply. And let me know what you are replying to - I normally have about a half-dozen or more stories in progress at once.
Otherwise, it's very possible your response will be buried in all the other responses and I won't see it. Or, at least, won't see it in a timely manner. We don't want that.
Fun Facts
For everyone that still uses HARO, please remember that it does NOT allow image attachments.
Every day, I get DOZENS of emails in response to HARO queries, saying "see art attached" or "image attached" or whatever. It will not get to me! That's why I always include my email address in those listings. By sending it to me directly, rather than the HARO auto responder, you can have those images go through and not waste both of our time. It also makes it easier for you to follow up once the HARO has expired. Hope that’s helpful!