Hello from LA!
Keeping this brief today because it's a Saturday and I have sushi to eat and sunshine to enjoy!
I wanted to offer a quick and friendly reminder about followups. Followups are always welcome. But just as you'd want a guy to call after a first date, but would be freaked out if he called 12 times in one day after the first date, the same can be said for incessant followups.
I'm not more likely to answer your email or include your product if you write to me a dozen times in one day about it. Actually, I'm less likely. While I realize playing hard to get isn't really going to be a working analogy in the PR game, perhaps try to be breezy.
While we're discussing pitches and followups, I must remind that pitching or following up via DM or text is no bueno. I always say not to do this. And it's happening A LOT lately anyway. Even today. On said Saturday while I'm trying to enjoy my 48 hours in LA and be deeply immersed in all the sushi that Little Tokyo has to offer. (Not remotely the reason I am in LA this weekend, but honestly a worthwhile purpose nonetheless.)
These DM/text followups or pitches are especially irksome when you add a "I know you hate pitches on text/DM but...." as a preamble. Because then I know you know my feelings on this, did not forget my feelings, and are just choosing to ignore my feelings.
Anyway - now that we have all that business out of the way!
Here's what I'm working on this weekend:
1. For Spy.com, I'm working on:
Best area rugs
Best chocolate gifts
Best flatware sets
Best smelling dog shampoo
2. For RetailMeNot, I'm working on best strapless bras
For all of these, please email me no later than EOD Monday. alywalansky@gmail.com
And here's what has gone live since yesterday (and the reason I'm sending this Saturday message - actually a lot has!)
20 Gift Ideas College Students Will Really Appreciate
This Incredible Tool Cuts Down on the Time and Mess of Draining Pasta — and It's $7
These Spooky Cocktails Are A Perfect Way To Embrace Halloween Season
Merriam Webster's The Usage
The Ultimate Guide To Walking Your Dog
30 Best Bronze 8th Wedding Anniversary Gifts Of All Time
have a great (rest of) weekend!