Happy Saturday!
During busy times of year, it’s fairly conservative to say I get around a thousand emails on some days. Our inboxes can get a little intense, and I won't lie that sometimes it can be a little overwhelming.
But your role (and interest) in all this is not how many emails a writer gets. It's making sure your email is received, seen, and opened. And, hopefully, acted upon. But we've already chatted about how to be the email that gets opened first.
But what about the emails that never are seen, even though they are sent? Every single day, I'll take a browse of my spam folder and see a lot of emails that are NOT spam, and should not be there. Emails I really want to see, read, and perhaps develop a story based on the contents. I don’t want to miss out on that email. I know you don't want your email to be in the spam folder, either.
So, I figured it may be helpful to come up with a quick and dirty list of how to avoid getting automatically filtered to that spam folder -- and possibly having your pitch never considered at all as a result.