Happy Saturday!
One thing we all have in common — we all send and receive a whole lot of emails. The goal, of course, is to have those emails be well-received and lead to stories. Emails that are missing their target or are misdirected are not going to do that.
Today, I'm going to talk a little about the importance of updating and editing your media list regularly.
PR and media relationships are all about communication, and relationships. We've all dealt with situations where we are pitched by the wrong name, outlet or beat (I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been greeted as Amy in an email, which is hilarious since you need to spell my name right in my email address to even to me!).
But it's more than using the wrong name. It is common for media to be pitched for outlets they haven't written for in years. In fact, those outlets sometimes no longer exist. It's also common for a food writer to be pitched light bulbs, or a parenting writer to be pitched lawn mowers. All of these issues could be remedied by editing and updating media lists, and that will be the topic of today's chat...