Industry Insights: Why It's Important For Freelancers To Seek Out Anchor Clients
Also: Final reminder for Monday's big Zoom AMA event!
Good morning!
I'm back from New Orleans and I had the BEST whirlwind trip. You'd think there's not a lot you can do in 48 hours, but if you truly commit yourself to it, you can cover a lot of ground!
I'm going to do something a bit different with this week's Industry Insights edition...I'm going to cover some really fast general newsletter stuff and then segue to the insights portion below after the paywall. So, there's a little something for everyone this week!
First, I want to send a hearty thanks to Modern Kitchen, who make a line of cream cheeses that are lactose-free and made with animal-free whey. They were lovely enough to send over breakfast this morning!
Also, while I usually don't share new story links on weekend newsletters, I had a BUNCH go live yesterday while I was traveling and I really didn't want anyone whose clients may have been included to have to wait till Monday to see the stories. So, here you go with some new content if it may apply to you! (And yes....still a lot of Valentine's stuff happening!)
Reminder: Zoom A-Us-A Is In A Few Days
Just a reminder for anyone who missed our announcements last week: Jill, Alice, and myself will be hosting a Zoom (so, get it? Ask-US-Anything) on Monday, February 6th at 10 am PST/1 pm EST. There's VERY few spots left (there's been exciting demand!), and we are limiting RSVPs to people who are a paid subscriber to any one of our 3 newsletters, with preference going to anyone who is a subscriber to all three (free is fine). For more information on how to RSVP, you can check out yesterday’s newsletter here. That’s where you’ll find registration link, Zoom info, and far more. We’ll be covering the concerning rise in AI, the media layoffs of late, and anything else that comes up. No topic is off limits!
OK, phew. All that administrative goodness is out of the way...and today, in our industry insights edition, I wanted to chat about something that I think greatly impacts self-employed of all types - whether you are media, PR, or another category -- the importance of having and maintaining anchor clients.