Congrats, everyone. We've survived this wild week and made it to Friday.
I have a ton going on today, so I'm going to get right into it. But just wanted to say that my friends and I watched Tinder Swindler this week, and we were all really messed up over it. So much so that I'm continuing down the fraud and terrible person rabbit hole this weekend and watching Inventing Anna, also about a total con artist...will report back!
Job leads
One of my very favorite editors, my friend Jess at Clean Plates, is looking for a Digital Content Editor to work on her team. Experience and expertise in wellness- and nutrition-related topics and a love for wellness-focused products and services are extremely valued. This is a full-time, remote-work position. For more info and to send your resume, please email jobs@cleanplates.com (tell them Aly sent you!)
A Design Partnership, a PR & Influencer Marketing agency for interior designers, is looking for a PR Manager with 3-5 years of experience to join their team of design enthusiasts. To apply, contact haley@adesignpartnership.com (and mention Aly's newsletter) or visit this post on LinkedIn.
RHC is looking for a Junior Publicist to join their agency's LA team. Supporting the needs of their business will include: administrative duties, account support, building and managing of media lists and creative brainstorming to keep ahead of current trends and what’s happening in client’s worlds. Internship experience in communications or marketing, strong writing skills and an ability to think creatively are a must! The full job description may be found here. If interested, please email Hi@wearerhc.com!
Here's what I'm working on today:
1 -- For Clean Plates, I'm working on a roundup of the healthiest, best-tasting peanut butters and almond butters you can buy. (Please note these are two different stories - one story is on peanut butter, one story on almond butter.) This is in the same sort of format as the chicken soup story I just did, so I'm looking for nutritionists (with appropriate credentials) to weigh in re: what to look for in both of these products, but also some good ones to buy and why. Also open to products for me to taste and evaluate.
For these two stories, I'm veering toward organic-only, with a focus on peanut butters with the least amount of added stuff in them (peanuts + salt is a great recipe for peanut butter, after all). If there is added stuff — which is needed for some flavors, of course — I want to make sure all the ingredients are top-notch, and if it's a sweet peanut butter (honey peanut butter or maple peanut butter) to make sure it uses top-notch ingredients and is relatively less sweet compared to the competition, etc. These are the categories I'm focusing on: salted, unsalted, crunchy, honey peanut butter, powdered (not my thing personally, but people love it for smoothies), "fun" flavors (maple-cinnamon, etc) - if you have a credible nutritionist (who is not tied to a brand) to weigh in, please email me!
2 - For Forbes.com, I'm working on a story for National Margarita Day. I'm looking for bars and restaurants nationwide that are doing something fun, creative, inventive, etc with a margarita on their menu (maybe you aren't even doing a margarita that is a cocktail, maybe it's a margarita-inspired cake or ceviche or something.) To pitch me anything for this story, please do so in this format:
Name of drink/dish
where served (city/state, name of restaurant, URL)
description (not a recipe, please)
quote from bartender/chef (please don't forget to tell me the name of the person you are quoting, and their title.)
image of the dish
Please have ALL components before pitching me.
For any of these stories, please start a new email thread and email alywalansky@gmail.com.
Here's what's been published since yesterday....
This Adorable Le Creuset Collection Couldn't Be More Perfect for Valentine's Day
Clean Plates
This Delicious, Plant-Based Queso Uses A Surprising Ingredient As Its Base
Food Network
McDonald’s Shamrock Shakes Return February 21
The Best Comfort Food Care Packages For Those Isolating At Home
Woman Who Got Catfished Found Love With The Real Man In The Pictures
10 Best Trivets To Make Your Kitchen Feel Way More Professional
Where to score sweet food deals and freebies for Valentine's Day
Have the best weekend <3
I look forward to seeing the peanut butter article come to fruition. It is one of my favourite foods. I like the stuff without any sugar. And crunchy