Feb 14, 2023Liked by Aly Walansky

Happy Valentine's Day, Aly! xo

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happy valentine's day!

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Happy Valentine's Day, Aly! I love your sentiment about it being a day for all love -- yes!!

Hope you had a mah-velous day! 💜

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there was this really cruel tweet I read last month suggesting i wasn't qualified to write v-day gift guides because i wasn't in a relationship. i realize that was just a miserable person, trying to cause me pain. but still, it resonated with me. and it felt so good this week to see all the love that is indeed out there, that we all have in our lives.

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wow... I'll never understand mean-ness for the sake of being mean (or other words, that I won't type here)... like, when did we forget "if you have nothing nice to say... shut yer pie hole" 😂 I didn't see the tweet, but have an idea of who it may have been from, and I'm so sorry people can be so cruel. You're a pro, always, and that's why you can write about whatever you want!! PS I'm starting 'Spare' this weekend - can't wait! xoxo

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