Hey guys! Your ASU board has been MAD busy trying to set us this year s Fall Ball. But I just wanted to slide you all some updates. For this weeks meeting (yes we still have one, sorry for being late), it will be a chill movie night type ting. This is your chance to also buy fall ball tickets in cash if you d like and i will have my receipt book so if you ve already paid in cash, please come to get a receipt.
Hey guys! Your ASU board has been MAD busy trying to set us this year s Fall Ball. But I just wanted to slide you all some updates. For this weeks meeting (yes we still have one, sorry for being late), it will be a chill movie night type ting. This is your chance to also buy fall ball tickets in cash if you d like and i will have my receipt book so if you ve already paid in cash, please come to get a receipt.