Monday: I'm working on a guide to the best bagels in NYC -- now is your chance to share your fave!
Oh what a Monday morning this already is…
I could share all sorts of tales this morning — like how it started with me, who has cooked for a room full of people at an event without a hair out of place — just burned my whole hand while pouring myself a cup of coffee. Of all things.
(It’s red and stings but it’s fine. No skin melting sort of situation or anything.)
But you are here to see what I’m working on, and I actually do have a fun new assignment today!
Yes, I sort of squealed a bit when me - a Jewish girl from Brooklyn - was assigned a story where I got to give my personal opinion on the best bagels in NYC.
(It goes without saying the best bagels in the country are in NYC, and the best NYC bagels are in Brooklyn, right?)
Anyway, I’m also looking for some commentary for this story, from both chefs and my food writer/food editor colleagues, so scroll down to the pending assignments section below for more information!
In other news, I binged all of the new season of The Bear this weekend…and I am absolutely obsessed. If you are still catching up, don’t miss my new story for Forbes, where I share some tips for making a Chicago-style Italian beef sandwich at home (and also some great ones to order!).
Newly published or freshly updated
Since people are often asking about the status of stories from a while ago, and I only share stories in this newsletter that were published or updated in the current week, I have created a list of my author pages at various publications to which I contribute. Bookmark it and make your life a bit easier.
This list will live on my Substack URL and be updated as necessary. That way, you can see what I’m doing at any publication, at any time, from types of stories to general structure of stories to even volume and frequency of my content at that outlet.
This can also help you to target pitching a bit better. That makes your job easier, and mine too!
PS: I love doing podcasts! Check out my guest appearance on the Italian Wine Podcast this week, where we discussed all things Substack. Other recent podcast appearances include the Pitchin’ and Sippin’ podcast with the incredible (and super fun!) Lexie Smith, where we chatted about everything from press dinners and events and trips to, well, sippin’! I’ve recorded a few others that should be live soon as well and I’m always open to doing more — email me at alywalansky@gmail.com.
Forbes.com: 20 Perfect Cocktails To Enjoy This Independence Day
Southern Living: What Is An English Cucumber?
RetailMeNot: Here Are the Best Fourth of July Sales of 2023
RetailMeNot: Stores Open Fourth of July + Fourth of July Store Hours
Pawp.com: Is Your Dog Afraid Of Fireworks? 8 Tips To Calm Your Anxious Dog
Parade.com: Caterers Say These Are the 8 Craziest Wedding Food Trends They’re Seeing This Summer—Are They on Your List?
If you or your client are featured in any of these stories, I super appreciate any social media shares! Please remember to tag @alywalansky and the outlet.
Here’s what I’m working on:
Be sure to read the below list carefully. Many are stories I posted about yesterday, but some of yesterday's stories are no longer listed and a few new ones have been added since yesterday. This (below) is everything that is still a currently open opportunity as of today.
Please remember when pitching me: Email me at alywalansky@gmail.com - do NOT just hit reply on this newsletter, or there’s a good shot your email will be lost in the heap. Give your email a subject line that makes it clear which story you are pitching me for — it’ll help you in the long run.
Please consult my industry insights guides on submitting expert commentary, sending emails that will catch a journalist’s attention, how to craft pitches journalists will say ‘yes’ to, and the right and wrong way to submit photos, if you need any extra guidance before sending your pitches.
I’m working on a roundup of the best bagels in NYC - and as NYC (especially Brooklyn!) are objectively the best bagels in the world, this would be the best of the best. I’d love to chat with a few chefs and food writers about their faves and why (and clearly I’ll share MY faves!), but I also have some NYC-bagel-centric questions to ask chefs when they respond. If you represent a NYC-area bagel spot, please reach out as well!
Looking to up your affiliate marketing game?
Affiliate marketing is complicated, and it seems that the landscape keeps changing. If you are looking to be prepared for gift guide season and all other shopping-related content, you may want to try the Ultimate Masterclass and Introduction to Affiliate Marketing for Publicists. It's a brilliant course and it'll answer all your questions (including some you didn't know you had!)
Virtual (and now in-person!) consulting sessions...
Looking for a consult as you plan your next event or trip? Or just want someone to take a look at the pitches you’ve been sending and give some feedback?
I've been popping into a lot of PR team virtual meetings and some other fun stuff and making myself available to answer all sorts of questions about pitching, events, and trips from a media perspective. I like to keep these things chill and comfortable and relaxed all by sharing perspective and learning from one another. Note: I’m also available to travel for consulting sessions as long as travel expenses are covered. We can chat!
If you are interested in setting anything up for your own team in the coming months, please email me and we'll get something on the books! This is available for entire agencies or smaller group lunch and learn type concepts. If you are a freelance publicist and want to join in with a few other freelance publicist friends and set something up, we can do that as well!
Have a great day!
Hope your hand is ok! I had a skin melt sitch from a Dunkin coffee - it was brutal! Glad yours wasn't so severe! Have a great week!
Eeek! Hope your hand feels better, Aly!
Can't wait to read your delish bagel piece!